Quando si parla di contorno occhi si pensa sempre a creme per combattere le rughe o a prodotti non adatti alle ragazze: sfatiamo questo mito! La prevenzione soprattutto in questa zona delicata è d'obbligo!
Leggendo il mio blog vedrete che ho un particolare debole per i prodotti Clinique, azienda che unisce tecnologia cosmetica a studi dermatologi per ottenere prodotti testati contro le allergie ma moderni. Ho scelto la formula in gel perchè è leggera e non unge, dopo pochi secondi posso truccarmi e non restano aloni; infatti questa crema è studiata per aiutare a fissare il makeup. Per le pelli secche esiste anche una formula "All About Eyes Rich" balsamo ultra idratante. Come ho detto all'inizio la prevenzione è fondamentale, infatti usando questo gel mattina e sera, dopo aver lavato bene il viso, vedrete attenuare pian piano i piccoli gonfiori sotto gli occhi, per un aspetto fresco e riposato.
Attenzione! Questa non è una crema anti-rughe perciò non cercate effetti "lifting"!
Basta una piccolissima quantità di prodotto, picchiettate con l'anulare anche sopra la palpebra (perfetto per l'ombretto!). Gli occhi sono uno dei punti più delicati del viso, non comprate prodotti a pochi euro che rischiano di causare irritazioni o macchie!!
"All About Eyes" non è proprio economico, ma il barattolino dura molto (io l'ho comprato a maggio e ancora ne ho la metà!) A presto per un nuovo prodotto occhi!
- Claudia -
When we talk about the eye contour area we always think about creams to fight wrinkles or products not suitable for girls: Let's debunk this myth! The prevention of this delicate area is a must! Today I'm going to introduce you All About Eyes of Clinique moisturizing gel-cream that visibly reduces puffs and circles. Reading my blog you'll see that I have a particular penchant for all Clinique's products, company that combine cosmetic technology and dermatologist studies to obtain products tested against allergies, but modern.
I chose the gel-formula because it's light and non-greasy, after some second I can put on my makeup; In fact this cream is designed to help makeup fixing. For dry skin Clinique created "All About Eyes Rich" ultra moisturizing balm. As I said at the beginning, the prevention is fundamental, in fact using this gel every day and night, after washing well your face, you'll see puffs slowly disappear, giving you a fresh and rested look.
Be careful! This isn't an anti-wrinkle cream thus don't looking for a "lifting" effect!
Just a little quantity of gel, dab it with the ring-finger also over the eyelid (perfect for the eyeshadow!). Eyes are one of the most delicate part of the face, please don't buy cheap products which may cause irritation or spots!! "All About Eyes" is not so cheap, but I bought it in May and I still have half of the cream! Stay tuned for another eye's treatment!
WHERE TO BUY:I chose the gel-formula because it's light and non-greasy, after some second I can put on my makeup; In fact this cream is designed to help makeup fixing. For dry skin Clinique created "All About Eyes Rich" ultra moisturizing balm. As I said at the beginning, the prevention is fundamental, in fact using this gel every day and night, after washing well your face, you'll see puffs slowly disappear, giving you a fresh and rested look.
Be careful! This isn't an anti-wrinkle cream thus don't looking for a "lifting" effect!
Just a little quantity of gel, dab it with the ring-finger also over the eyelid (perfect for the eyeshadow!). Eyes are one of the most delicate part of the face, please don't buy cheap products which may cause irritation or spots!! "All About Eyes" is not so cheap, but I bought it in May and I still have half of the cream! Stay tuned for another eye's treatment!
- Clinique shop online: € 39,00
- Sephora shop online: € 34,90
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